About Us


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Our history begins back in 1998, when the first European office was opened in Cham, Switzerland, by the Anglo-Swiss Company. The founder of the company, himself an immigrant from Germany, was instrumental in turning his Company towards international expansion from the very start. We owe more than our name, our logo and our first product to our founder. He embodied many of the key attitudes and values that form part and parcel of our corporate culture

Why to choose us?

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Continuous innovation and rapid transformation have been themes throughout our history, which the company traces to the 1998 with the installation of the first computer system for commercial use in the United States at General Electric’s Park facility. The company has built its solid reputation thanks to thorough employees selection. By the 2001, the company began offering a new breed of solutions to clients - solutions that aligned organizations' technologies, processes and people with their strategies.

Our Team

Medical Director

Uzm. Dr. İbrahim Aslan


Uzm. Dr. Ayşegül İşler

Hair Transplant

Dr. Ali Teksöz

Live assistance
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